Food Blogs

A basket containing traditional Suman Moron, a Filipino dessert made from glutinous rice mixed with cocoa and wrapped in banana leaves. The image highlights both the chocolate-flavored and regular variants, a delicious representation of the Suman Moron Chocolate Moron recipe.

Suman Moron (Chocolate Moron) Recipe

September 9, 2024182

Oops. Something looks familiar but sounds new. Have you heard of suman moron before? If not, Cooking Pinoy is here…

A tray of Bikong Leyte, a sticky Filipino rice cake, with a portion cut out and served on a spoon, showcasing its rich, caramelized topping and soft, chewy texture, perfect for an authentic Bikong Leyte recipe.

Bikong Leyte Recipe

September 9, 2024259

Ingredients Instructions

A plate of Egg Adobo (Adobong Itlog), featuring hard-boiled eggs soaked in a savory soy and vinegar sauce, served in a white dish, highlighting the rich flavors of this Filipino Adobong Itlog recipe.

Egg Adobo (Adobong Itlog) Recipe

September 9, 2024233

Ingredients Instructions